Just think about all the amazing things our voices do for us and for others who receive our vocal vibrations. We use our voices to connect with others and to express feelings and needs. We soothe, comfort and empathize with others through our voice. We share vibrations with others and with our surroundings through singing and vocalizing and sounding. We teach. We share wisdom and insights. Stories are told. All through the magic of the human voice. And think about how babies use their voices to express their needs. A baby has no words, but babies are very adept at expressing their needs and desires and their emotions through the vocal sounds they make.
And that's only a part of what the human voice does. What I just described is the external, "out there" projection of the voice.
What about the power of the voice to connect with the inner body and the inner world?
Allowing the voice to emerge from its depths and projecting the voice inwardly can bring life, healing, harmony and energy to all parts of ourselves. By allowing the voice to connect with the Heart and other internal organs, we can vocally express and clear out old emotions and other toxins. Sounding or vocalizing what has been trapped in our Hearts can be incredibly cathartic and cleansing. And who knows -- through that vocalizing, we just might free up some Joy and Love that may also be buried deep inside. So many treasures, just waiting to be vocalized!!
The Throat Chakra, the energy centre that connects with the Voice is known as Vishuddha (Sanskrit) and the translation for Vishuddha is, literally,PURIFICATION. This energy centre purifies and harmonizes our energy. Through our own vocal vibrations we can purify and energize our own Chakra System. (For lots of info on the Chakras, go back to the 2009-2010 posts in My Other Blog: Chakra Dancer )
On Sat. Jan. 28, 2012 at 2pm I will be offering an Introduction to the Chakras with a special emphasis on the Throat Chakra and Vocal Expression. More details to follow in my next upcoming (later this week) blog.
Meantime, a nice little healing exercise for the Throat Chakra and the Vocal Chords is to simply warm and energize the hands by rubbing them together and then place those energy filled hands lightly around the Throat. As you feel the warmth of your hands soothing and relaxing your throat you can imagine or visualize that soothing, healing energy of your hands going right into your Throat Chakra. It can be very beneficial to also offer thanks and gratitude to the Voice for all that it does for you.
And that's only a part of what the human voice does. What I just described is the external, "out there" projection of the voice.
What about the power of the voice to connect with the inner body and the inner world?

The Throat Chakra, the energy centre that connects with the Voice is known as Vishuddha (Sanskrit) and the translation for Vishuddha is, literally,PURIFICATION. This energy centre purifies and harmonizes our energy. Through our own vocal vibrations we can purify and energize our own Chakra System. (For lots of info on the Chakras, go back to the 2009-2010 posts in My Other Blog: Chakra Dancer )
On Sat. Jan. 28, 2012 at 2pm I will be offering an Introduction to the Chakras with a special emphasis on the Throat Chakra and Vocal Expression. More details to follow in my next upcoming (later this week) blog.
Meantime, a nice little healing exercise for the Throat Chakra and the Vocal Chords is to simply warm and energize the hands by rubbing them together and then place those energy filled hands lightly around the Throat. As you feel the warmth of your hands soothing and relaxing your throat you can imagine or visualize that soothing, healing energy of your hands going right into your Throat Chakra. It can be very beneficial to also offer thanks and gratitude to the Voice for all that it does for you.
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