Re-Connecting Voice and Heart
A Gentle Practice to
Re-Connect Voice and Heart

Through posture, breath, gentle movement, some easy vocalizing through the Chakras and a fun little sing a long, we will explore some exercises to clear and open our vocal channel and create a greater connection between Voice and Body. This work is helpful for developing a more "Embodied Voice" ** which results in more stability and depth in the voice. As we create more stability, balance and range in the voice, we also stabilize the Chakra (energy) system and the corresponding nervous system.
We will then have a chance to vocalize, sound and share from a deeper, more Heart Centered place within ourselves.
ALL the vocalizing and singing we do is as a group.

Through posture, breath, gentle movement, some easy vocalizing through the Chakras and a fun little sing a long, we will explore some exercises to clear and open our vocal channel and create a greater connection between Voice and Body. This work is helpful for developing a more "Embodied Voice" ** which results in more stability and depth in the voice. As we create more stability, balance and range in the voice, we also stabilize the Chakra (energy) system and the corresponding nervous system.
We will then have a chance to vocalize, sound and share from a deeper, more Heart Centered place within ourselves.
ALL the vocalizing and singing we do is as a group.
** Infants have a natural and direct Voice/Body connection. As soon as an infant experiences any emotion or bodily sensation, it is automatically expressed through the voice. Of course social "norms" require that we shut down that connection, often from a very early age. Sometimes that shutting down can be so complete that we become alienated or disconnected from our Voice/Feeling expression and awareness. This work helps us to begin the re-connection process in a gentle and safe way.
1. First of all, this work begins with the premise that "Voice is an Internal Process" -- just as breathing is, or circulation is. In our day to day lives we are always projecting the voice "out there" which makes sense because that is how we connect and communicate with others. In singing or sounding or even speaking, it is about projecting the voice out there. However, when we are always projecting or pushing the voice out, we tend to lose touch with that voice and it can become dis-connected or dis-embodied. In other words, it no longer feels like it comes from deep inside of us. And it loses that connection with our Hearts and Our Core.
Our focus, particularly in the initial warm up exercises, is about bringing the voice back into the body; experiencing the voice as it settles back into our Hearts and our Bellies and our Pelvic Floor.
2. In this class, you will also learn more about the actual functioning of the Vocal Cords and the larnyx, and how to re-build and strengthen these very important vocal muscles. Those of us who have been shut down vocally likely do have weakened vocal cords and this work will offer you some tools for healing and bringing more strength and flexibility and relaxation into the vocal apparatus.
*Anyone who wants more stability, balance and depth in their voice.
*Anyone who wants to learn more about caring for the voice.
*Anyone who desires to feel and experience a deeper connection with the body.
*Anyone who desires to feel and experience a deeper connection with the body.
*Anyone who wants to speak more clearly and truthfully from their Heart
*Those who feel shy about allowing their voice to be heard
*Public speakers who wish to communicate more authentically and from a more embodied place
*Singers who want to connect more deeply with that feeling place in their songs
*Performers who want to express with more depth and emotion
*Anyone who struggles with the decision making process
*Anyone who wants a chance to free that child within and allow him/her to make sound!
**This work would likely be helpful for anyone who is experiencing vocal issues, such as frogginess or vocal strain or weakness and instability in their voices. If there is a vocal issue, it is important to get it professionally checked out first.
The Centering Space
59 Cambridge Ave.
(Broadview and Danforth)
(click on link above for map)
Friday Nov. 20, 2015
7:15 pm -- 9:15 pm
Cost: $30.00
RSVP please. or call 416-944-0540
About the Facilitator: Barbara Sauve is a (former) RN with many years experience in Psychiatry, Geriatrics and Hospice Care. Through some of her own issues with burn out and resulting health challenges that were not medically "fixable", Barbara began exploring more complementary and alternative healing modalities. She has had a lifelong interest and practice in Yoga and that has led her to a deep exploration of Chakras and Energy Healing. She developed her own unique Dance of the Chakras which she taught for many years. Barbara is also a Reiki Master. In the past 6 years, Barbara's focus has been on recovering her own (previously shut down) voice, and as a result, she has also been awakening her musical passions! Barbara has been studying Vocal Technique, Music Theory and Singing with a variety of teachers and techniques for the past 8 years. Prior to that, she has also taken workshops and worked privately with various Sound Healers and she is exploring Vocal Integration and Heart Centered Communication.
Barbara is excited to be bringing all of this vocal work together in a workshop which is gentle and respectful of the voice and understanding of the deeper process that happens when the voice is activated.